The right learning. The right time. The right place.
CPNW offers innovative onboarding tools to ensure a smooth transition into the clinical phase of your career training. This secure easy-to-use web application provides a clinical passport and e-learning modules to prepare for your next steps toward your professional career. It’s the right learning, at the right time, and the right place. Get started today!

Clinical Passport Health + Safety Requirements
All users have a standard set of requirements that must be met prior to their clinical learning experience. These requirements are contained within the CPNW Clinical Passport. The requirements cover immunity status for vaccine-preventable diseases, background checks, pre-clinical training, license and insurance information.
eLearning Modules Improving Your Service
As you complete the required interactive training on this site, your progress is tracked real-time and recorded in your account. Schools and healthcare partners can access your pre-clinical preparation records, providing a paperless transition into your clinical education experience.
OIG/SAM Checks An Added Value
Excluded provider checks are performed bi-monthly on the 1st and 15th of each month for all users in the clinical setting. Your annual subscription covers the cost of this service. The results are made available on a need-to-know basis through our HIPAA & FERPA compliant secure interface.
Site Support We're here to help!
Questions? Visit the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) tab or use the web based support features. The technical support tab to your left provides interactive access to our Knowledge Base. Live technical support is available weekdays as well.
Fee Schedule Student Self-Pay Refund Policy Services + Invoicing
CPNW’s fee structure allows us to provide a variety of services to health professions students, education programs and healthcare organizations.
Get In Touch
If you are having technical issues, send a message through the Technical Support tab on the left.